A little history
The buckwheat ploye is an integral part of the Madawaskayan heritage. In the past, ploye had pride of place on the table of large families. According to some, a real ploye does not need to be turned while cooking, it can be eaten with butter, molasses, creton, sugar or maple syrup.
Recette de ploye
- 1 tasse de farine blanche
- 2 tasses de farine de sarrasin du Madawaska
- 2 tasses d’eau froide
- 1 cuillerée à thé de sel fin
Mélanger le tout et rajouter 2 tasses d’eau bouillante, 2 cuillerées à thé de poudre à pâte et cuire dans un poêlon chaud d’un côté seulement.
Buy buckwheat flour
The buckwheat flour used to make our famous ployes is typical to the region because we use almost only the inside of the buckwheat grain.
If you wish to get some, you can contact:
Les Industries Corriveau Inc.
16 Bouchard Road
St. Clair, NB E7A 2C8
Tel: 506-992-0087
Email: uniquemaple@hotmail.com
They will be happy to send you your bag of buckwheat flour, or the ready-made mix.
Find our famous ployes
- Frank’s Bar&Grill (Four Points by Sheraton)
- Marché plein-air Centre-ville (Samedi matin d’été)